


“Epstein-Barr Virus: A Novel Dimension in Cancer Development” dentro del libro Pathogens Associated with the Development of Cancer in Humans, de la Editorial Springer Nature

Noé Velázquez-Márquez, Genaro Alberto Paredes-Juárez, Verónica Vallejo-Ruiz  El virus de Epstein-Barr: una nueva dimensión en el desarrollo del cáncer El virus de Epstein-Barr (VEB) es un herpesvirus gamma ubicuo vinculado a varios tipos de cáncer. Este capítulo profundiza en el potencial oncogénico del VEB, aprovechando los conocimientos genómicos y multiómicos recientes. A pesar de su presencia […]

Non-canonical integrin signaling activates EGFR and RAS-MAPK-ERK signaling in small cell lung cancer

Karla Rubio1,2,3,4, Addi J. Romero-Olmedo2,5, Pouya Sarvari6, Guruprasadh Swaminathan1, Vikas P. Ranvir7, Diana G. Rogel-Ayala1,2, Julio Cordero8,9, Stefan Günther10,11, Aditi Mehta2,12, Birgit Bassaly13, Peter Braubach14,15, Malgorzata Wygrecka16,17, Stefan Gattenlöhner13, Achim Tresch18,19,20, Thomas Braun11, Gergana Dobreva8,9, Miguel N. Rivera3,21, Indrabahadur Singh7, Johannes Graumann22,23, Guillermo Barreto1,2,4† Abstract: Background: Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is an extremely aggressive […]

Preliminary results from the EMoLung clinical study showing early lung cancer detection by the LC score.

Karla Rubio1,2,3,4,5,6 · Jason M. Müller7,8 · Aditi Mehta4,9,10 · Iris Watermann4,11 · Till Olchers4,11 · Ina Koch4,10,12 · Sabine Wessels4,13,14 · Marc A. Schneider4,13,14 · Tania Araujo‑Ramos15 · Indrabahadur Singh15 · Christian Kugler4,11 · Mircea Gabriel Stoleriu4,10,12 · Mark Kriegsmann4,14,16 · Martin Eichhorn4,14,17 · Thomas Muley4,13,14 · Olivia M. Merkel4,9,10 · Thomas Braun3,18 · […]

EP300 as a Molecular Integrator of Fibrotic Transcriptional Programs

Karla Rubio, Alejandro Molina-Herrera, Andrea Pérez-González,Hury Viridiana Hernández-Galdámez, Carolina Piña-Vázquez, Tania Araujo-Ramos and Indrabahadur Singh EP300 as a Molecular Integrator of Fibrotic Transcriptional Programs cancer Abstract: Fibrosisis  a  condition characterized by the excessive accumulation of extra cellular matrix proteins in tissues, leading to organ dysfunction and failure. Recen tstudies have identified EP300 ,a histone acetyltransferase, […]

Therapeutic targeting of splicing variants in cancer

Pouya Sarvari, Karla Rubio, Stephanie Dobersch, Aglaia Ntokou, and Verónica Vallejo-Ruiz Therapeutic targeting of splicin gvariants in cancer Abstract The cellular process of removing introns from pre-mRNAs and connecting the remaining exons to produce a mature mRNA is termed mRNA splicing. However, exons from the same pre-mRNA can be joined indifferent combinations by AlternativeSplicing(AS), generating […]

Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Pediatric Patient

Coral-García Miguel Ángel, Serrano-Guevara Christian Mauricio, León-López Magdalena, López-Santos Héctor Alfonso, Barbosa-Contreras Meylin, Maldonado-Castañeda Sandra, Rubio-Nava Karla María, Guevara-Navarrete César Martín, Silva-Campos Irlanda Mariel and Yaneth Martínez Tovilla* Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Pediatric Patient Abstract Introduction:Aspergillusis a branched septate filamentous fungus that can induce lethal and invasive infections in patients suffering from autoimmune or inflammatory diseases, […]

Environmental Epigenetics and Obesity

Ramirez-Diaz Ivonne, Lobato Sagrario, Perez-Gonzalez Andrea, Morales Alejandra and Rubio Karla Environmental Epigenetics and Obesity AbstractIn recent years, increasing interest on the effects of dietary components onepigenetic processes and, consequently, on the regulation of gene expression andmetabolic responses has led clinical efforts worldwide to approach obesity. Wheninadequate, food consumption leads to chronic and non-communicable diseases(CNCD) […]

Nutriepigenomics in Environmental-Associated Oxidative Stress

Karla Rubio, Estefani Y. Hernández-Cruz, Diana G. Rogel-Ayala, Pouya Sarvari, Ciro Isidoro, Guillermo Barreto and José Pedraza-Chaverri Nutriepigenomics in Environmental-Associated Oxidative Stress. Complex molecular mechanisms define our responses to environmental stimuli. Beyond the DNA sequence itself, epigenetic machinery orchestrates changes in gene expression induced by diet, physical activity, stress and pollution, among others. Importantly, nutrition […]

Positioning of nucleosomes containing γ-H2AX precedes active DNA demethylation and transcription initiation

Stephanie Dobersch, Karla Rubio, Indrabahadur Singh, Stefan Günther, Johannes Graumann, Julio Cordero, Rafael Castillo-Negrete, Minh Bao Huynh, Aditi Mehta 2, Peter Braubach, Hector Cabrera-Fuentes, Jürgen Bernhagen, Cho-Ming Chao, Saverio Bellusci, Andreas Günther, Klaus T Preissner, Sita Kugel, Gergana Dobreva, Malgorzata Wygrecka, Thomas Braun, Dulce Papy-Garcia, Guillermo Barreto 16 feb 2021 Position of first nucleosome containing […]


Dr. Julián Torres

Obtained his doctoral degree from Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas at Universidad Autonoma de Colima. His research interests include Cardiovascular Physiopathology and Pharmacology of Diabetes type I and II, oriented to altered mechanisms in lethal arrhythmias and biomarkers using mathematical prognostic and diagnostic models, as well as the identification of novel epigenetic factors involved in metabolic diseases. His other research interest lies on science dissemination and public academic initiatives.

Currently he works as researcher and co-supervisor of the International laboratory EPIGEN-CONCYTEP (Instituto de Ciencias, BUAP).


BSc. Andrea Zacarías

Bachelor in Environmental Engineering at the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP). She performed academic internships as fellow in the Soil and Microbiology Laboratory. Her interests include Occupational health and Security. She is currently an intern at the EPIGEN International Laboratory.


Sara Carrillo

Medical student at Universidad de la Salud del Estado de Puebla (USEP). Bachelor in Nutrition at Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP). Certified in Enteral and Parenteral Feeding in critical care by Instituto Mexicano de Nutriología Clínica A.C. She acts as volunteer at publics hospitals (Hospital para el Niño Poblano and Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social), into Pediatrics and Nutrition areas.

She has experience managing clinical databases, and is a co-author of book chapters and scientific dissemmination papers focused on Obesity and Pollution. She has presented her work in poster sessions at different regional conferences. She is currently an intern at the EPIGEN International Laboratory.


Diana Cerón

Medical student at Universidad de la Salud del Estado de Puebla (USEP). Technician in Emergency Medicine at Servicios Integrales de Atención Pre-Hospitalaria SOS, PUEBLA A.C. With extensive experience in databases management, she is co-author of book chapters and scientific dissemmination papers focused on Obesity and Pollution.

She has presented her work in poster sessions at different regional conferences. She is currently an intern at the EPIGEN International Laboratory.


Med. Miguel Coral

Bachelor in Medicine by Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP). Undergraduate Medicine Internship at the General Hospital of Puebla. National Program of Social Service in Health Research of the Interinstitutional Commission for the Training of Health Human Resources (CIFRHS). He is autor of scientific and dissemination articles in indexed journals, as well as book chapters. He is certified in biomedical research, teching, scientific communication and statistics.

He is currently Masters student at the International Laboratory EPIGEN-CONCYTEP (BUAP) and the Medical Sciences Program at Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla (UPAEP).


Masters in Chemical Sciences in the area of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Bachelor in Biomedicine by Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP). She has been awarded with fellowships from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) and Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) working at the Molecular Biology Laboratory of Centro de Investigacion Biomedica de Oriente del IMSS (CIBIOR-IMSS).

She is autor of scientific and dissemination articles in indexed journals, as well as book chapters. Additionally, she is certified in Data Analysis and Research Design by the College of Data Scientist (COCID), obtaining a badge issued by BEDU-SANTANDER. She is currently PhD student at the International Laboratory EPIGEN-CONCYTEP (BUAP) and the Biotechnology Program at Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla (UPAEP) with a national graduate scholarship by CONACYT. Her line of research focuses on epigenetic mechanisms of tumorigenesis induced by environmental toxicants.


MSc. Ivonne Ramírez

Masters in Chemical Sciences in the area of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Bachelor in Biomedicine by Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP). She has been awarded with fellowships from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) and Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) working at the Molecular Biology Laboratory of Centro de Investigacion Biomedica de Oriente del IMSS (CIBIOR-IMSS).

She is autor of scientific and dissemination articles in indexed journals, as well as book chapters. Additionally, she is certified in Data Analysis and Research Design by the College of Data Scientist (COCID), obtaining a badge issued by BEDU-SANTANDER. She is currently PhD student at the International Laboratory EPIGEN-CONCYTEP (BUAP) and the Biotechnology Program at Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla (UPAEP) with a national graduate scholarship by CONACYT. Her line of research focuses on epigenetic mechanisms of tumorigenesis induced by environmental toxicants.


MSc. Andrea Pérez

Masters in Chemical Sciences (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) by Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP) and Bachelor in Biotechnology Engeenering by Universidad Autonoma Popular del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP).  She has been awarded with fellowships from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONCYTEP) and Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) as student of the Cellular Biology Laboratory at Centro de Investigacion Biomedica de Oriente (CIBIOR-IMSS); and from the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC) as intern at Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR).

She has worked as Technological Consultant in Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Biomaterials in collaboration with UPAEP and companies in the health sector. In addition, she is coauthor of book chapters and scientific articles in indexed journals. Currently, she works as laboratory technician at the International Laboratory EPIGEN-CONCYTEP with a focus on pollution-related diseases


Dra. Karla Rubio

Head of the iniciative EPIGEN International Laboratory, CONCYTEP, BUAP, in Puebla, Mexico. Postdoctoral Researcher at the IMoPA Institute, University of Lorraine, in Nancy, France. Doctor in Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) by the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research (Prof. Barreto) in Bad Nauheim, and the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. Masters in Physiological Sciences and Bachelor in Biomedicine at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP, Prof. Vindrola and Prof. Padros). Her line of research covers the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in lung, neurodegenerative diseases and those associated with environmental pollution, such as cancer, fibrosis and metabolic syndrome. She established in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo experimental models integrated with next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques for Translational Medicine and Epigenetic Therapy. She has been awarded with the international prices from the von Behring-Röntgen Foundation, the Medizinische Gesellschaft Giessen, and the German Society for Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine. She is the author of numerous articles indexed in high-profile journals, book chapters and science dissemmination articles. In addition, she is a professor of postgraduate courses in France, Germany and Mexico and belongs to the CONACYT National System of Researchers.